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The Millennium has passed...

...but the Armageddon-mongers haven't.

'Tis true...

It struck me as poetic, too... but I realize too late, Palin's snarky, FOX-populist berate... in place of honest debate... that her jive didn't jibe with reality, because it's cold Yukon poetry, with white-rap asymmetry that only makes perfect sense when we say good-bye, when I listen with a smile.

Meanwhile... Jon Stewart... as usual... just doesn't get it, interpreting her more literally, instead of liberally... in which sense, she makes absolutely no sense.

And Huffington relays what "Charles Krauthammer said Monday on Fox News that her complaints have a 'whining quality'. Fred Barnes of the 'Weekly Standard' agreed:"

Whining and lionizing: a FOX Noose haiku


"There is a way to deal with the press. Look at the way Ronald Reagan did. He didn't attack the press. He teased them. He made fun of them. He jokes about them, embarrassed them. It was great. People loved it and it didn't have that edge, that whiny edge that you always want to avoid"
— Fred Barnes on FOX Noose

But FOX Noose largely lionized Sarah, calling her one of the greats... recasting each of her griping mistakes, now, as strategic tactics, comparing her siren to Richard Nixon in '62... hinting...

diabolically... matter what we do... that Bill Kristol's media-elite creation, one we pretend is an authentically coarse grass-root manifestation... will be queen of the world some day.

Read More.

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