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The Millennium has passed...

...but the Armageddon-mongers haven't.

Ralf Reed Returns from the Dark Side

Reed My Lips no new axes.


"I do guerrilla warfare," Reed once boasted to a reporter, describing how he ambushed his enemies as a political operative. "I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag"
— Ralph Reed

Read more about Reed's diabolical come-back.

Google: Ralph Reed, Jack Abramoff, Sun Myung Moon, Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, and see how much company they keep.

Today, much of the Republican Party is made up of southern segregation Democrats and their offspring, those who were disgusted by northern Democrats who signed onto the 1964 Civil Right Act. They and their children, and their children's children, have never gotten over it.

Neoconservatives, represented today by Kristol, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Pearl soon followed, because of their disgust for fellow Democrats involved with the anti-Vietnam War peace movement.

But the GOP sealed its fate, the one it's living today, when Ronald Reagan kissed the opulent ring of that corpulent gay-basher, Jerry Falwell, who ostensibly ran the Moral Majority on behalf of Ralph Reed, who's been laundering church tithing for decades via illegal operations with his College Republican cronies, Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist.

Rove sopped up the dregs of these religiBigot war-mongers from the Democratic Party in 2004, but they were nothing new to the GOP by then, just the ones who needed that kick in the pants from 9/11 scareMongering...

...and the wedgie he gave them over same-sex marriage. More war... More religion. Warligion is their brand, so the DNC was essentially drained of these characters by then.

What we see now is the mass-migration of those three waves of jihadi-bigots from Bush to Palin, in whom they've suddenly found his intellectual relative browsing the city library stacks for books to burn.

That movement and the moderates now being purged from the RNC is the primary political dynamic of our day. The Democrats have only had to sit quietly, eerily polite for the last four years, while 8 years of self-serving policy disasters destroy the RNC.

Ralph Reed, if he had it to do all over again, would do it all over again.

Read more about Reed's return from the Dark Side.

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