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The Millennium has passed...

...but the Armageddon-mongers haven't.

Kristol Dishes!

The fight over the much-aledged mis-handling of Palin continues.

Post-partum Diva or the future of the GOP?
"When Kristol questioned the likelihood of a male like Mark Wallace using such a gossipy term as diva, (to describe Palin) this source said, Scheunemann wrote back that Mark Wallace knows something about divas because he’s married to a diva."

— Jonathan Martin

Read more post-party gossip @ Politco

Good god, how ironic to read so far into such a sordid tale of sectarian gossip-mongering, and then to have a rumor mill like Bill Kristol cough up such a bizarre one.

What a bunch of divas they ALL are, and the preposterous macho posturing is just a laugh riot coming from one so prim, pursed and plainly effete at Ms. Kristol.

"Was Palin a fresh talent whose debut was mishandled by self-serving campaign insiders, or an eccentric diva who had no business on the national stage?"
— Jonathan Martin for Politico
Damn! If you have to ask...

But it gets even worse: Asked about these accusation, McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt struck back: "I'm sure John McCain would be president today if only Bill Kristol had been in charge of the campaign."

"After all, his management of Dan Quayle’s public image as his chief of staff is still something that takes your breath away," Schmidt continued.

Putting his experience as a blogger to good use, Jonathan Martin is totally rolling with the snark.

Go read more of Martin's gossipy drool!

The facts are these: If George Bush could pull it off, barging his way into office by way of the kind of judicial activism he swore he abhorred, having done it with a brain no better than Sarah Palin's, the American people COULD be just as susceptible to her under the right circumstances.

"There is ultimately no way to read McCain’s selection of Palin as reflecting anything other than an appalling egotism, heedlessness, and lack of judgment in a man whose courage, tenacity, and character they have extravagantly admired.
— Todd Purdum, Vanity Fair

But I think we've changed and may be set for at least 80 years before the religious crazies will be again able to whip people up into a supersticious stupor over the NEXT Millennium, Rapture, Tribulation, and Armageddon.

We're a decade past that mythological due date, so the appeal of a Rapture-ready battle axe like Palin is limited to the 20% of people who need end-times Apocalypse-mongering to get them to the polls.

"What happened, was what the McCain campaign had not really taken the time to find out, that there was a whole sort of counter-story about her in Alaska that was a lot less rosy than the one they sold of a governor... so there were always a lot more problems with her than they knew."
She'll do great in places like Indiana, Texas, and Alabama, but she'll need to reinvent herself on a scale that George Bush was able to do for himself, if she's going to pull off an electoral heist as blatantly as he did in 2000.

Go read Purdum's gossipy brew at Vanity Fair!

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