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The Millennium has passed...

...but the Armageddon-mongers haven't.

Texas: The Emergency Room of America

Identity Theft: the independent South is not who they think they are.


"According to Gallup, of the 25 states with the greatest percentage of the uninsured, all but three are based in the South or the Midwest.

"These same regions also have the largest percentage of populations who believe widely perpetuated mistruths about the Obama agenda, including allegations that the president will set up 'death panels' and wants a complete government takeover of the health care system."
— Sam Stein, Huffington Post

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Texans are such doormats, trapped in their neo-plantation paradigm, pretending they're Wild West independents when they're really just dumb, southern dupes with the lowest wages and no healthcare, working their uneducated fingers to the bone for make-believe cowboys, who play them like a willing, sycophantic fiddle.

Higher percentages of Texas, New Mexico, and Mississippi residents are without health insurance -- roughly one in four -- than is true for any other states in the U.S. In Massachusetts, where legislation requires all residents to carry health insurance coverage or face a tax penalty, 5.5% are without insurance -- the lowest percentage in the country.

Listen to them brag about their unemployment rate, when they're literally enslaved by low wages and Faux Noose ideology, by their snuff-snorting elite masters, the wealthy conflict-mongers heavily invested in the perpetual Cold War mentality that makes everyone your enemy.

Instead of paying their workforce enough for adequate preventative healthcare and continuing education, these executive urban cowboys wearing boots made in China leave it to the emergency rooms, where the rest us pick up the bill for corporate disinterest in the well-being of its low-wage employees.

No, you won't EVER see this in print, because the truth is too insulting to Southern PC sensitivities, but these gullible sweatshop minions are too caught up in identity mythology to actually DO something in the best interest of their children and grandparents... so invested are they in their dictated and completely made up identity.

It's a national embarrassment. The entire, modern, developed world is laughing at the gullibility and cringing at the duplicity, while Texas revels in an absurdly false identity that NOBODY is buying.

Elsewhere, we have the most progressive, educated, wealthy, literate, and, yes, the most elite regions of the country, the Northeast and Northwest, fighting to bring affordable healthcare to the used and abused... especially to Texas... but the South has got to learn first. The poverty and long lines in the hallway outside the emergency room are the truth, NOT grandma's death panel promoted on Faux Noose.

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