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The Millennium has passed...

...but the Armageddon-mongers haven't.

Dowd Has a Shtick, and She's Sticking to It

"Sanford can be truly humble only if he stops dictating to others, who also have desires and weaknesses, how to behave in their private lives.

The Republican Party will never revive itself until its sanctimonious pantheon — Sanford, Gingrich, Limbaugh, Palin, Ensign, Vitter and hypocrites yet to be exposed — stop being two-faced."

— Maureen Dowd, Op-Ed Columnist NYTimes

Read more on Sanford, Enseign, Vitter, et al.

Dowd rarely has a point someone else hasn't already made, but this time she repeats a great one. The question isn't whether Mark Sanford values family, it's how many families he values.

It's just more hypocrisy from the Rapture-panic party arguing that same-sex marriage is dangerous because it MIGHT lead to legal polygamy.

Still... does Dowd EVER criticize a guy without taking a shot at his junk?

I think not.

"In a weepy, gothic unraveling, the South Carolina governor gave a press conference illustrating how smitten he was, not only with his Argentine amante, but with his own tenderness, his own pathos and his own feminine side.

"He got into trouble as a man and tried to get out as a woman."

Obviously, her signature jab at a man's masculinity is college-level rhetoric and embarrassing to read in a NYT opinion piece, but at least we expected from her, so you can skim the inevitability of it while looking for a more salient point... just in case she has one you didn't already read in someone else's column just last last week.

She's repetitive, and she borrows a lot... like a lot of us do... but she gets paid to do it.

Color me envy.

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1 comment:

Alan said...

Dowd is just setting herself up to be proven wrong, albeit with one of the more memorable quips of 2009. The right harvests ignorant allegiance better than Madoff enlists unwitting investors. People will always be taken to the bath; some financial, some political, some religious, some intellectual. The Republicans have just figured out how to be that one-stop shop. Just because a corner was exposed (again) doesn't mean it will unravel.

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