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The Millennium has passed...

...but the Armageddon-mongers haven't.

The More Things Stay the Same

Bill Myers reminds us that "Wendell Potter was here a few weeks ago to tell an insider's story of how the health insurance industry 'puts profits before patients.' Your response bowled us over." A blogger at Talking Points Memo summed it up:

More Moyers, please


"I beg everyone who reads this and clicks onto the link to send it on to everyone you know. Send it to your congressmen, your governors, your legislatures, the White House.

"Whatever it takes. This is a television event too important to let die..."
— Ramona, TPM

Watch the re-broadcast at PBS.

Like a prophet, Wendell Potter told us how the insurance industry would attack the debate that was set to take place in D.C. this summer. As if on cue, obviously reading from the strategy paper that Potter revealed, the industry struck back at healthcare reform that they have publicly pretended to support.

Here's the original interview.

Potter tells Moyers that he began his transformation to corporate whistleblower after attending a "health care expedition," a makeshift health clinic set up at a fairgrounds

Meanwhile, chronicling a disturbing aspect of industry lobbying, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann is taking names of well-placed congressmen taking multi-million dollar bribes to do the corporate medical industrial complex's bidding, instead of representing the interests of more corporeal constituents.

Thanks to MSNBC and Bill Moyers for fearless name-calling.

Watch the Moyers re-broadcast at PBS.

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